“Sensible” – représentations


Sensible is a performance at the crossroads of theater, dance and equestrian practices.
Sensible forme courte is the result of a meeting between performing arts professionals and amateur actors and riders aged 6 to 16.

Saturday, August 17th - 5:30pm
Brinon-sur-Sauldre Equestrian Center
(on the occasion of the Jump Art Festival)

Saturday, September 7th - 3:30pm
Aubigny-sur-Nère Equestrian Center
(for the Fête du Sport d?Aubigny-sur-Nère)

Saturday, September 14th - 5:30pm
Écurie de l?Aujonnière, Méry-ès-Bois
(on the occasion of Saint-Firmin?s Day)

Contact information

“Sensible” – représentations


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