
Itinérance d’un Roi


Animation Itinérance d?un Roi.

The court of Louis XIV takes over the châteaux of the Route Jacques C?ur

A departure from traditional performances, this immersive show plunges spectators into the 17th century, transforming them for an evening into courtiers of the Sun King.

As they travel back in time, they will be able to follow the actors/improvisers as they perform different sketches simultaneously in different spaces.

This stroll will lead them to a final location, where a danced, acted and improvised performance will take place before their very eyes. With the help of the great Molière, they can choose to be simple spectators or, if they wish, real decision-makers in the real-time scenario.

Contact information

Itinérance d’un Roi

Château de la Chapelle d'Angillon


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