
Ciné Concert

The 24/01/2025


As part of its Ciné culte program, the Atomic Cinéma presents "Ma vache et moi" by Buster Keaton, a film released in 1925.

Friendless, a penniless young drifter, takes a job on a farm. There he meets "Brown Eyes", a cow destined for the slaughterhouse.
Their adventures across the American West begin

Film accompanied live by musician William Guyard (Saxophone - Guitar ? Percussion)
This screening is offered by Atomic Cinéma, in association with the Association des Cinémas du Centre.


The 24/01/2025

  • Friday : from 20h30


Fares Min. Max.
Full adult price 7€
Discount rate - de 18 ans et + de 60 ans 5,50€
Child rate - de 14 ans (Moins de 14 ans) 4€

Contact information

Ciné Concert

Atomic Cinéma

23 Rue du Prieuré


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